Saturday, August 16, 2008

Timberman Race Report

-- "More than a Feelin'" --

After spending too much time driving around trying to find my motel, having to backtrack, stop and ask directions from a bar (thanks, Google Maps), I found the River View Motel and settled in for a sleepless night in the last room, a smoking single. I had driven the bike course and seen the hills, and I was alittle nervous for this aspect of the race. So, I watched Michael Phelps grab gold #7, and then tossed and turned until 4, when I packed up and rolled to Ellacoya Park to get parking before the masses converged. Turns out I didn't need to, since most people arrived later than me, but I think having that extra time to settle in helped. The sky was ominous, but the air wasn't too cold and the water was a tepid 73 degrees- perfect. My transition number was set up right by the bike in/out, but at the opposite side of the swim in/run out gate. Still, I decided not to pre-clip my shoes since it was literally a 30 yard run on a carpet to the mount line. I had forgotten my goggles in my mad rush to get everything packed- a whole different and complex story involving septic systems, high water tables, laundramats, and a visit to Wolfeboro, where Leigh and I used to live and work...maybe I'll get into that another time- So, I bought a pair of Tyr goggles at the expo before the race and I was all set. Everything ready, headed off to the beach to get a swim warmup, and then it was time to ROCK! (Serious butterflies flopping around thinking about that bike and the elevation gains on the out leg...)

Swim: "I Feel Good."
Got to the outside from the start, and didn't see a sole near me the entire swim. Angled in tot he first buoy and then followed the leaders and stoked long and strong. Water was crisp, clear, and pretty shallow. I just tried to pace it out because I was worried about the hills on the ride. No worries for the swim at all!
Time: 9:00 flat, 120/990, 7th AG

T1: "We Jammin'"
I had a blast at the transition. They had a wetsuit stripping station that everyone was going to, but I just veered off, ran through some footwash tubs, and kept going to my bike to the shock of the strippers and some fans. I flew out of the suit, quick grab of the bike, and I was off. Fast and clean!

Bike: "Flirtin' with Disaster"
I immediately felt good on the bike, and I had read on ST that some bike gurus had been suggesting pushing lower cadence and higher gears, so I tried that and it felt good, so I kept with it over the first few rollers. Passed some guys from the first 3 waves. Then, we hit the hill. It was about 2 miles of constant climbing, maybe 5% grade so nothing major, but a hurtin' for some of the riders. I danced up, flew by many guys, and felt great. I was shocked, but mashing was working and my HR wasn't through the roof. Hit the turn around, gobbled a Gel, and mashed up the last major climb, then a long, long descent that I really motored on (35-40mph mostly). Guys were weaving out into the road, and there were cars driving with us, so it was alittle sketchy. Then, I came up to a group of four guys stacked from the shoulder out, and a utility truck was next to them trying to pass. They did not streamline to the shoulder, but were riding next to eachother. I was out behind the truck trying to get some passing space, and motoring at 35 when the truck hit its brakes. A well meaning cop had tried to stop the truck by standing in the road and throwing his hands up. I thought I was a gonner. Went into a skid trying to brake, with no room to my right since the guys were stacked there, and oncoming traffic to the left. I was able somehow to swerve, miss the bumper of the truck, and slide in behind the last guy, and then recover. With the adrenaline pumping, I flew by those guys and never looked back, playing cat and mouse with another AG guy for the rest of the ride. Rolled in to T2 feeling good and ready to run.
Time: 45:55, 19.6 ave., 100th OA, 8th AG
(Course was out to mile 7 and back)

T2: "The Final Countdown"
In, out. Fast.

Run: "Disco Duck"
My legs took a long time to adjust to running, but by the end of the first mile, I was feeling good, HR where it should be, and I was passing guys! Often! I was passed by a few AG guys, but that was it. Then, it came! With 1/2 mile left ont he run, I passed this guy who looked like he might have some kick. He was tall, wearing a hot pink headband, blond hair flowing over the top, and rocking a psychadelic tie-dye speedo. My only thought as I ran the last 1/2 mile was to get enough space so that this guy was not in my finish photo (It was a looooong finish chute). Success, and I felt great and had some kick, too.
Time: 22:30, 7:28 ave, fastest 5k after a hard ride EVER!

In summary: This was my best complete race this year. There was nothing I feel I could have done better than I did, and though my final time and AG placing isn't great (1:22:xx, 13/67 AG, 120 OA), I am totally psyched with the race and the result and feel like it was a great final race of the summer for me. Pictures to follow!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Next up for me is the Timberman sprint on Saturday. I had originally signed up for the half, my first foray into that distance, but then my hernia surgery came along and threw me back abit, and not thinking I could be ready training-wise, I downgraded to the sprint. Still, I am excited for the race, and I hope the weather holds. It should be fun!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maine State Tri Race Repowt

Given the weather, I woke up unsure if this thing was going to fly at all. But, there was only a mild drizzle as I rolled out of bed at 4:45, so I geared up and hit the road sans coffee by 5 AM. Drive up to Bethel was quiet and uneventful, and I was in the lot across from Gould Academy by 6 for check-in. One of the bizarre traditions of this race is that you have to mark yourself, and after making one backwards 4, the offered to do my other arm (did I mention no coffee?), and then I was all set. Took a quick look at the run start/finish, racked my running stuff in T2, and headed down to the swim start/T1 rack 4 miles away. Got a great rack spot for T1, chilled with the locals, chatted up a Czeck guy who had a sweet Cervelo P3, and then did an easy swim warm-up in the gorgeous Songo Pond (lake). Still no rain, but the area was pretty well saturated. Waiting for the pre-race meeting, bumped into a couple of jokers I sat with last year, and we picked up right where we left off (jokes about banana hammocks, Maine small town charm, and the like). A great diversion before we went in wave one (all men). The race was smaller this year in numbers, but there was some serious club uniforms and bike bling. Bing-bang-book-racetime!

Swim: Decided to take it easy, pace myself, grove in the wetsuit for the 1K swim. Stayed outside on the start, clean water the whole time, easy sighting, good pace, and the water was beautiful in clarity and purity.
Time: 17.41, 31st OA, (17:51 last year- a good start)

T1: Quick exit of the rubber, grabbed the helmet, bike, and zipped out. The only fumble was on the flying mount, when I tried to get my feet in, I pulled out the 2nd straps on both shoes, so I had to fiddle with them to re-insert them as I rode, which was clunky and not smooth- oh well.

Ride: Felt good to start, motored along well. The pavement was fairly dry, and thought there was some road crack from the frost heaves, it wasn't bad. About 2 miles before the turnaround, I saw our car coming from the opposite direction, and there was the family cheering me on! A huge boost as I gave them my best Lance Armstrong 7th tour victory arm pump (no one around to give "the look" to)! At the turnaround, I scarfed down a Powerbar Gel and started pushing it. Got passed by a few guys, a few of the very fast womenfolk, but mostly held my own and cruised in on the hilly 25K course.
Time: 47:11, 28th OA, (last year- 50:49)

T2: Fast in and out, no worries- saw my wife and kids and gave them the high sign as they cheered me out of the chute. Another great lift to have them come and watch...!

Run: Feeling alittle slow as I headed down the hill to the XC course and the 5K run, but I knew last year's run was bad, so I just got my heart rate down and ran. Hit a huge puddle that was knee deep and about 30 yards long, and that was the precursor for the wild run. There was mud. There were rocks. There were uphills with streams of water, and downhills with wet rocks. It was an adventure! But, I maintained good HR and paced myself. By the end, I had been flirting with the red line too long and had no kick and got passed by another guy in my AG, but other than that, I felt good.
Time: 27:24, 67 OA (Last year- 32:18 in good conditions!)

Final: 1:32:11, 26th OA, 6th AG, and almost 10 minutes faster than last years race!

More to come as I mull over the race!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Maine State Weatha!

Even before the race, this has the makings of an epic! Weather has flood warnings for the area, with 1-3 inches of rain, severe thunderstorms tonight giving way to steady showers, and possibility of hail as well! Awesome! When I called to check on the status, I got "Wheyl, those flood wahnins ayh feh up noth an west a' heyah. Th' race should be fiyun...long as its nowat thundrin, we'll race..." Oh, and did I mention the run course is off-road across a brook and on cross country trails? More tomorrow when its ALL OVAH!