Since the last post, I have been on IR for about a week. I went out and scrimmaged with the kids on my soccer team last Monday, and the next morning, could barely walk with pain in my left heel. Otherwise sore in legs as well. No worries, felt better on Tuesday and even better on Wednesday, so much so that I went for a short run to try out my new Pearl Izumi Streak race shoes (very excited and very RED!). My heel started bothering me again, so I cut the run short at 2 miles. Went to practice, was scrimmaging again, and came down hard on my heel. Instant pain. Stopped, massaged, took advil at home, and next morning I could barely walk. So I was thinking PF. CRAP! Saw our trainer, and he thought it might be a combination of a heel bruise and some associated PF. I have been resting it, icing at night, massaging, stretching, and today it feels much better, but it is still there. I have the time to rest now since my racing is done and I was planning on maintainance this fall anyway, so I am eating poptarts and getting fat as I rest and relax. Also, lusting after a new bike, but that is nothing new!