Saturday, September 29, 2012

Update from beyond

I have been totally remiss in posting to this blog- mostly because I had better things to do, not because I had nothing to post.  In fact, since that last post, significant changes have happened in my life.  Not most important, but most personal is that I was diagosed with two herniated discs in my neck this spring just before the triathlon season, and as a result, have not raced and am rethinking my approach to racing.  It was a blow, since I had just purhcased a Cervelo P2, built it up in the basement, and had everything set to have a screaming season this spring/summer.  Alas, it was not meant to be.  But, the good news (for me, anyway) is that I am back to running and biking, and my swim is getting better, but I have to make adjustments.  I just sold my P2 and bought a Soloist Carbon frame, and I am building that up in the hope that I can race it in a more comfortable position, but I have to wrestle with the reality that I am no longer going to be at the point end of my age group.  We will see how that plays out.

My son is living the dream at Grinnell College in Iowa, playing ultimate frisbee for the "Grinnelliphants" and make a bold and so far successful transition to college life.  He comes home in a few weeks, so I will know more about how that is really playing out when we have some face time.

My daughter Phoebe continues to shine at Peddie, playing varsity field hockey this fall in a new role as center midfielder, and she recently scored her first high school goal- she is fantastic and fun to watch!

My daughter Bridget is off to a fast start in her final middle school year before (hopefully) coming to Peddie. She is also playing field hockey when she is not hanging out with her friends or watching "How I Met Your Mother" on Roku...

More to follow- just a snapshot for now...