Banged out a few days of running lately, then the weather turned nice, so I was able to catch a 25 miler this weekend. Rode out with a group of rec riders who meandered at an easy 16 mph, then at the turnaround, I hammered 20 mph in the aero position for about 10 miles. I built up my new frame, a fuji aloha, this winter, so this was the first time I really rode hard in the aero position on the road. Sort of a shakedown cruise. Everything went fine, felt great afterwards, aside from a sore neck and upper back from my low front end. Because I plan to only do sprints this summer as I build back up, I should be able to hold the position for 40-45 minutes no problem. This morning I did my usual Monday TT, and I held a solid 1:35 for the full distance without finishing too winded and with negative spliting the last 200. Soreness is almost totally gone, though I do still have the healing ridges, and I do have loss of sensation above my "junk."
Looking forward to more work this week as we get closer to the summer!
1 comment:
The numbness is pretty strange - I can sort of feel it when I put my finger on my scar but not really.
Sounds like the training is getting back into full swing - good to hear.
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