Sunday, April 6, 2008

Working out the kinks

Went down to the pool on Friday ready to work my stroke and get reacclamated to the water, but the pool was still closed for spring break. Decided to go for a run instead. Did a very slow 2 miler, but it felt great to be out and moving pain free. It was the most comfortable I have felt running since November. On Saturday, I felt it, though, as I can't remember being that sore from exercise. Today I take my class to Philly for a fieldtrip/adventure. The walking will be good for the body!

1 comment:

Zach said...

Glad to hear the recovery is coming along well. Running was the last thing I tried since I figured it would be the hardest on my body. I'm on week six of recovery and have been running about 14 miles a week for the last two weeks.